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Immanuel Lutheran


Immanuel Lutheran Church, School and Child Care is a diverse, family-friendly Christian community that nurtures faith and equips people to be lifetime followers of Jesus Christ. During the week our Pre K to 8th school and Child Care has more than 450 children on campus. On the weekends we come together for worship where we experience vibrant traditional and modern worship that reflects the deep liturgical rhythms of the Church. 


At Immanuel, we value God’s Word that proclaims and delivers the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. We are invested in the welfare of the local community through various mercy ministries and are invested regionally and internationally through our mission efforts. Together we are formed by the Holy Spirit working through God’s Word and the Sacraments to live authentically and make a Christ-like impact on others.


We believe that the God of the Bible is the creator of all things and that all good things that support this life are gifts given by Him. We believe that the first human beings rebelled against God and plunged the human race into darkness and separation from God. Out of love for us, He promised to send a Savior into the world.

We believe that in Jesus, God became man to live a perfect life and to die an innocent death for us. Through His innocent life and unjust death, He paid the debt of our sins and has placed His forgiveness on us. In response to His loving forgiveness, He gives us the desire to love as He loved, to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to serve as He served.

For more on what we believe click HERE.



When you come to our Worship Center entrance during worship times, you will normally be welcomed by a “Greeter”, one of our pastors, an usher, or one of our members. As you enter through our doors, there will normally be someone at the “Guest Services” desk who can direct you into our church for worship, answer questions, or direct you to bathrooms, fellowship hall, the nursery for children, etc. 

An usher will give you a bulletin that outlines the service and contains news about our ministries. Our worship services are also projected on large screens in most services. Children’s bulletins and bags with crayons and books are available from the ushers. Assisted listening devices are also available from the ushers.



Immanuel Lutheran
Immanuel Lutheran

Phone:  262-781-7140

Office Hours:  

Monday - Friday:




Privacy Policy

13445 Hampton Road - Brookfield, WI 53005  | © 2025 Immanuel Lutheran Church, School, and Child Care

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