Immanuel's MIssion: To honor and glorify God as we: equip the saints, reach the lost, and praise the Lord.
"Through a Christ-centered, child-oriented environment, our purpose is to glorify God by equipping children and assisting families to prepare them to witness by their words and actions as they continue to grow in faith and knowledge of God and His creation"
Immanuel Lutheran Child Care is open YEAR-ROUND Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm to children from the ages of 6 weeks to 12 years.
To enroll a child, please contact the director at 262-781-7342 to see about availability. Proper enrollment forms can be found under the “forms” tab, or Click Here for enrollment forms for children UNDER 2 years of age, and Click Here for enrollment forms for children OVER 2 years of age. Please refer to the parent handbook for more information.