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Immanuel Lutheran Foundation


The Immanuel Lutheran Foundation was created by Immanuel Lutheran Church to provide opportunity and means for gifts to be made in support of the mission and ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church.  The Immanuel Foundation is formed as a separate corporation from Immanuel Lutheran Church to allow contributions and grants to be made separate from the budgeting processes of the church.  The Foundation seeks to obtain contributions and invest those assets. A portion of the earnings of those assets is distributed by way of grants to projects that further the ministry and mission of Immanuel Lutheran Church.


Immanuel Lutheran Foundation seeks gifts, contributions, donations and bequests for its purposes.


For more information contact one of the Board of Directors of the Immanuel Lutheran Foundation.

Immanuel Lutheran Foundation


The Immanuel Lutheran Foundation has a Board of Directors, each serving a 3 year term with a maximum of 2 terms.  In addition to elected board members, the board also includes those persons holding the offices of Senior Pastor, President and Treasurer of Immanuel Lutheran Church.


Members of the congregation are encouraged to reach out to any of these board members for information regarding the Immanuel Lutheran Foundation.


  • Matt Hoffman - President

    • Mission & Ministry Council Director

      term expires in March of 2025

  • Juie Zahnow - Vice President

    • term expires in March of 2025

  • Shelley Kobza - Treasurer

    • term expires in December of 2026

  • Beth Ann Meckstroth - Secretary

    • term expires in April 2025

  • Landon Olp - Director

    • term expires in April 2026

  • Pastor Stephen Henderson - Congregation Senior Pastor

  • Andrew Fratzke - Congregation Treasurer

  • Dean Krueger - Congregation President

  • Jessica Pelnar - Congregation - Director of Advancement.


The Immanuel Foundation Board is authorized each year to allocate funds based on a pre-defined calculation of historical performance of investment funds owned by the Foundation.  These allocated funds can then be used to award grant applicants for projects approved by the Foundation Board.


To help prospective grant applicants determine the level of consideration of a proposal, the Foundation Board set the following priorities and criteria:


  1. Funding is not available through the church budget or other sources.

  2. Need - who will be helped or impacted?

  3. Opportunity/Outcome - what is the desired result and how many will be impacted by the project?

  4. Preference will be given to proposals which are reproducible and can be shared.

  5. The Foundation is particularly interested in projects that demonstrate ways Immanuel can Embrace - Equip - Engage our community and our members with the goal of Transforming People into Engaged Servants.

  6. The Foundation is interested in proposals reflecting innovation, creativity, or an entrepreneurial spirit.  (A new ministry program or event that reflects “out-of-the-box” thinking and may include materials, publicity, and whatever might be needed to successfully launch this new idea).

  7. The Foundation will generally not support ongoing operations expenditures.

  8. The Foundation does not support grant projects by providing 100% of the resources required.  We are open to providing grants that match or supplement other resources.

  9. The Foundation will expect that an organization will internally prioritize their needs/projects and submit only one application, which must be signed by the Immanuel Senior Staff Member responsible for the ministry/organization.

  10. The Foundation will entertain grants for capital expenditures, that are directly tied to ministry advancement or will enhance worship, outreach or fellowship.  


Deadline:  Grant applications may be received at any time during the year.  Grant Applications will be considered at the next meeting of the Foundation Board.


Consideration of Grant Requests:  The Foundation Board considers grant proposal requests at each of their board meetings.  Funds are allocated to be available for distribution to qualified grant requests.  It is recommended that grant requests be made as soon as they are clearly developed, and as far ahead of the date funds are needed as possible.


Format:  Only fully completed and signed grant application forms will be considered by the Foundation Board.  Additional information may be provided, but not in lieu of completing all sections of the form.  Please type or print legibly.  Electronic application forms are available on the church website, but must be printed to obtain the necessary signatures before submission to the Foundation Board.  Illegible applications will be discarded.


Submit Application To the church office of the Foundation mailbox located outside the church office.


Project Feedback:  Receipts must be submitted for payment to be made.  Grant recipients will be required to complete a final Grant Report form demonstrating financial accountability and to share information about project results.  The Foundation desires to share project results, including stories, pictures and testimonies, with the congregation at various times through the year.  These can be emailed to    


The following grants have recently been awarded by the Immanuel Lutheran Foundation.


  • ARM Scholarships

  • MOPS 

  • Immanuel Lutheran Mexico Missions

  • Immanuel Lutheran School Report Card Testing

  • Immanuel Lutheran Choir Microphones

  • Witness to the Ends of the Earth

  • Restoration of the Immanuel Lutheran Handbells

  • Immanuel 2019 Shared Space Project 

  • Ladies Night Out

  • Uganda Hymnal Project

  • Immanuel Lutheran School Math Program

  • Church Live Streaming Upgrade

  • Food for Families

  • Thanksgiving Gift Cards

  • Immanuel Giving Tree

  • Interactive Smart Panel

  • Love and Logic Training

  • KINDLE Servant Leader Training


The Immanuel Foundation includes a Scholarship Fund to be utilized for the purpose of awarding scholarships to persons seeking to pursue post-secondary education on a full-time basis at colleges, universities or seminaries affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in preparation for full-time service in the ministries of the church.  


In May of each calendar year, students meeting the above criteria may apply for a scholarship from this fund.  An announcement will be included in the church bulletin when the annual application process has begun.  The Scholarship Application Form can be found on the Foundation web page.  Applicants can complete the form electronically or handwritten.  Completed applications must be signed and placed in the Foundation mailbox located outside the church office.  The deadline for application submissions is June 30th.


Applications will be reviewed by the Foundation Board and applicants will be notified regarding the status of their application in July.  Approved applicants will be recognized in an August church service and the scholarship amount for the fall semester will be paid directly to the college they are attending.  A second payment will be paid directly to the college in December for those applicants attending the following spring semester.


The Board of Directors meets four times a year to discuss old and new Business as well as review grant applications received since the last meeting was held.


Meetings generally occur the second week of January, April, July, and October.

Immanuel Lutheran
Immanuel Lutheran

Phone:  262-781-7140


Office Hours:  

Monday - Friday:





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13445 Hampton Road - Brookfield, WI 53005  | © 2025 Immanuel Lutheran Church, School, and Child Care

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